Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

I thought it was best I wished you a lovely christmas in advance since I'm not all that sure I can do it tomorrow. Long story short, I'm going to my grandparents in Yorkshire (my home county) whom have no internet, which is obviously super helpful when you want to wish the best blog followers in the world a Merry Christmas.

Internet troubles aside, it's only a few more days until the end of the competition which ends on January 1st - which now I realise is totally inconvenient since Mr Young's big announcement is now apparently on Jan 1.*cries* If you have any questions concerning the competition, don't hesitate to email me. If you want to get creative over Christmas because your Dad has fallen asleep on the sofa and your Mother is washing the dishes after dinner,-all the rules are in original post. :0D

And of course with the nearing Christmas, comes the nearing January. Those festive times have disappeared and in the words of Adam Young 'All this holiday cheer, heaven knows, where it goes but it returns every year.' BUT as I mentioned before, we have the announcement to look forward to (whether it's Jan 1 like in Adam's Instagram Post or Feb 1 like in the email.)

Guys, when I quoted Peppermint Winter, I started listening to it and now I feel so bad because there is no snow in England (we're having the usual mild, rainy winter)

-A very depressed Imogen xx



  1. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! :)
    And be glad you don't live in Canada; we get plenty of snow, but it's FREEZING up here! Mind you, rain doesn't sound terribly pleasant either...ah well. Have a Merry Christmas regardless of the weather :)

    1. Aww thank you - even though it's Dec 26.
      Hope you had a lovely Christmas too!
